Handbook for Shadow of Doom

A Handbook for Zenerian Chronicles: Shadow of Doom

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Physical Damage

Physical damage has 3 components, which are blunt damage, cutting damage and piercing damage. All calculations are done separately and symmetrically regarding these components. Both the defence and damage combat stats, as well as weapon power and armour rating, consider the three components to be independent of each other. In some contexts, the sum of the three components of a physical damage is referred to as the total of that physical damage.

Accuracy and Evasion

The probability of a physical attack completely missing, is determined by the attacker’s accuracy and the target’s evasion. If the attack is evaded, any accompanying effects are also evaded.

Accuracy = (Martial*(10-Dist/30) + Sensory*(Dist/30))/10
Evasion = ((Martial*(10-Dist/30) + Athletic*(Dist/30))/10
Miss chance = (TargetEvasion - AttackerAccuracy)/10 [minimum=0]

Dealing Damage

Damage Calculations:

Melee weapon damage = WeaponPower + ExtraDamage
Other weapon damage = WeaponPower

BaseDmg = Sum of damages from weapons valid for chosen target
Outgoing = Mod(BaseDmg)

Taking Damage

Defence Calculations:

Portions of individual ratings adding to base defence:
    Head: 20%
    Torso: 50%
    Arms: 10%
    Legs: 10%
    Hands: 5%
    Feet: 5%
    Shield: (10*Martial)%

BaseDef = (head*4+torso*10+arms*2+legs*2+hands+feet+shield*2*Martial)/20
EffDmg = (Incoming^2)/(Incoming+Mod(BaseDef))

Graph: Damage taken wrt incoming damage, at constant defence values.

The above graph shows how received damage may change with respect to incoming damage at different fixed values of the defence stat. More damage is blocked as the incoming damage increases, but the percentage of the incoming damage being blocked becomes smaller.
For example, with defence=20, an incoming damage of 5 may be reduced to 1 (subtraction=4, percentage reduction=80%), and a damage of 30 may be reduced to 18 (subtraction=12, percentage reduction=40%). So as the incoming damage increases (5 to 30), the amount of the subtracted damage increases (4 to 12), but its value in relation to the total incoming damage, decreases (80% to 40%). [also see Appendix-1]